Don't worry, I haven't totally lost my mind. Just saying what's current in my little world... Snoopy has a hard life... He still gets roughly kissed by Shaunti each and every day. When she's gone to school he mopes. Here, he is in avoidance mode. He's ticked that I cleaned the living room and piled cushions on his favorite spot. He keeps looking over trying to decide if its worth the effort of jumping on the heap. He decided it was better to walk out to the kitchen and think about it. He's wondering when the mad cleaner woman will chill and go leave him alone to contemplate his complicated life. Please come visit with me. I finally dusted after you don't want to know how long. Maybe back in August? It cleaned up nice... What I strive to do each day... If you prefer we could sit here with a cup of hot cider and talk about nothing... That's fun too. M...