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Rich Toward God


Luke 12: 16-21     Retold...

Once upon a time there was a man who owned a piece of property. It seemed everything he did on that property, flourished. Seeds grew well in the good soil and made plants and fruit of great production. He had so much bounty that he decided he needed bigger and better storage wherewith he could contain it all.

He attained everything he ever wanted by hard work and doing many great things for himself. Thinking he had done pretty well and that he maybe deserved a rest, he decided to kick back and relax. He began to eat exotic foods, drink expensive wine, and have loads of fun. All by himself. He didn't have companionship because he had been too busy building better barns and such.

Then he realized it was all a big fat waste. Because what happens to all his stuff when he dies? He had gotten rich  for himself and knew nothing about being rich toward God.

Be rich toward God and His kingdom. If you are, you will know what to do with your bounty and generosity. You won't be stingy with your time, money, and relationship. Rich toward God means you practice this:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness...All these things, generosity, kindness, and forgiveness, shall be added unto you. All your needs will be met if you are chasing after God.


  1. Thank you, Shilah. I love that "rich toward God" phrase. That's so my goal.


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