The middle of the night...
Fully awake...aware...
Phrases of people's problems...real life's heart struggles, soul cries, longings, and cravings.
There was a lot shared during the day. So many impossibilities. I got overwhelmed and a little lost in where to place it all.
I found myself trying to rationalize, speak sense, or lessen the need. I wanted to pray well for you and your problem, but my brain kept thinking practical things and I wanted to say ungracious, unkind things.
Like..."get over yourself!" Or "do something for someone else." Or even something self righteous, like... " You're being burdened with a false burden and the heavier it feels the less important it is..." [Side note: Why does it seem this is the first instinct when prayer requests are hitting me every which way?]
During the day, when it was all hitting me, I felt rained on and couldn't find my way to actual releasing it all to the throne of grace.
Now. Middle of the night. Wide awake. I long to go back to sleep, be oblivious to it all. I do try. Keep the eyes closed. Breathe in. Breathe out. Then blaring in my mind's eye. EASY. Say what? Again. The word. EASY. One word, but it's in big capital letters, all four letters in a different color. Who thinks or dreams in color? Not me, ever.
OK. Abba Father, You have my attention. I get out of bed. Pray for real.
The verse in Matthew 11:28-30 NIV... Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
There it is. The word. EASY. All the cares and problems of the day start to fade. Imagine easy. After a lifetime of honing discipline and endurance... can easy be a word for the prayer warrior?
Yet, There it is, the beckoning of Jesus. Come unto a small child ready to spring into his/her parent's arm after being held or carried by the babysitter all day. Yes! Of course I go to my Father who beckons. And yes, EASY is the word. And rest.
So much time is lost in the striving and mulling and shuffling of burdens. Unless I remember. It's not mine to carry or hold. I bring it boldly to the throne of grace.
Now, I can pray well. Trust in the One who knows all. It is EASY. God is good and faithful always. He hears every cry. Keep praying. His yoke is EASY.
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