I mentioned last post that sometimes I struggle to pray for some requests, because my brain tries to figure out what's wrong or how to fix the human problem in a practical manner, with words or doing of my own.
Anyway, that's the whole point of prayer isn't it? To admit to Abba Father, that we don't know what to do, we can't figure it out and we need help.
To be able to say to God our Creator our burdens, needs, sorrows, and yes, even our trifles, the piddly stuff. And our praises and our worship and awe. That's the purpose, to get to..."Thy kingdom come, here and now, as You want it, Father in Heaven.
To see our cluttered, tired souls as in need of rest and release from distraction and dread...this is what happens when we bring it all to Jesus.
Humble and broken, we get to peace and EASY. "For my yoke is easy, my burden is light." -Jesus
Don't be like me and my prone ness to judge others' requests. It is simply a naughty, human way. Not at all Christ like. Which I suspect, is a tactic of the enemy. He would rather see us be practical and humanly wise and make light of the burdens we dare to share with each other.
When someone shares a request, they share a bit of their heart. Treat it with the grace of God which passes all understanding.
Have a nice day. Pray for me as I go clean a house I don't want to clean. 😉
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