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Quiet Confidence

Because confidence is only quiet when it is anchored in Jesus. It's the kind that doesn't have to figure out why something happened as it did, and who didn't get it right.

It isn't busy fixing things, straightening crooked pictures, fluffing pillows just so, or joining someone in their drama or extra noise of the day.

Quiet confidence is able to know a thing and not have to explain or expound on it because you gave it to God Almighty and now trust the work of the Holy Spirit to do its work.  Without any more "help" from you.

Goodness, we need this today in politics and churches and in homes. What if we prayed about it....(bring it before the throne of grace)...much much more than we talked about it?

How important is it in God's eyes, for you to know and share your thoughts and opinions to others? What I think or feel doesn't change who God is and what He will do. We better be praying a whole bunch more. 

Quiet Confidence in Jesus is hope and trust and a whole lot of peace. It overcomes the obstacle of any cloud cover you have for praying for the "untouchables " like presidential candidates, your neighbors, or the family members who have turned their back on Jesus. 

You are confident in the doing of it because the outcome is not any of your business. Trust it to God, and learn quietness. 

I think we fail at this miserably because it is so much easier to use words on those we see with our eyes. They're there, we're with them, they care, so we share. Naturally. We're a people who likes and needs community and attention. Yes. We do too.

But what we need most and first is to put in the work of coming before the Throne of Grace. We are to do it boldly and often with begging and crying and praises and Holy tears of "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done"... 

If we would do this more than we spend time informing and educating others about our brilliant thoughts, ideas, and opinions, we would be better pillars of all our communities and churches and homes because we are quietly confident in who our Redeemer is.

Isaiah 30:15 KJV
In returning and rest shall ye be saved,
In quietness and confidence shall be your strength...
