My sister once time told me, she hates when writers talk about their writing or their blockages and inspirations. Every since then, I have been sensitive to not doing this. Mostly, because I didn't want to be on her bad writer list. But also because I kind of agreed with her. There is nothing worse than hearing someone express thoughts as if its a real problem and no one cares. It's just noise in an already noisy world. Anyway, I am a writer. I know this because I write about everything. I write to sort out life and why people behave as they do and what makes sense or doesn't make sense. One important lesson for a writer, is to not take too much advice from non-writers. Don't let others' opinions dissuade you from creativity, character growth, and from expanding your art-form. Keep after wording correctly. I am drawn to teaching as well. I am eager to learn so I expect others are too. If I have learned and relearned a very important lesson, I feel the deep need to...