Things I wonder about:
Does God want His people to be dominant? And if someones personality happens to be aggressive and dominant and this bothers me does that say something about my own lack of humility?
How much should we depend on others for our fulfillment? Relationships are important; God created us to be social beings. So why do we go away from social gatherings feeling a lack?
Should a Christ follower choose to shut off the extra noise around them for need of a rest? And is it a sign of weakness if you do?
Just because your atmosphere is rock and hardness, if you begin to sprout green fronds and unfold into a beautiful wild fern, you totally should. Grow where you are planted and all that. Don't let your surroundings determine you cliche...thank you, Little Fern.
Nothing is better learned than by humility. When I just am...without overpowering you with my knowledge...and I share my experience and my sorrows along with my joys...then we can learn what to do with all the empty spots. I can rejoice in your talents and beautiful blooms without noticing you, but rather your Maker. I must decrease; He must increase.
I love this: And He withdrew Himself into the wilderness and prayed. Luke 5:16 KJV.
I've spent a nice amount of time this summer in the mountains and on lakes. In them I am learning to be joyful with the cravings of my soul. To trust God's provision in the less than pleasant times. To accept the loneliness that creeps in even while surrounded by loving relationships...I am learning that surrender to the exhaustion that has come in serving... is part of the cross.
Maybe to some it looks like weakness, but I am learning to be content with being made weak. For when I am weak then He can be made strong on my behalf...2 Cor 12:9,10.
A verse of I song I know...I don't know what You're doing...but I know who You are... by-J J Heller.
It's enough to know who He is.
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