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Time for Quiet

 Yes, it is time for quiet but it is also very unlikely that it will happen. What should a person do when the world comes crashing in and takes over every fiber of their being?

 This desire to be quiet, is not such a bad thing in of itself, but hold it too tightly and it can make you feel like a tight-fisted Scrooge, especially this time of year. 

 Sometimes the striving created to find quiet and peace has the opposite effect; better to learn to embrace the chaos and anticipation along with every little boy and girl. Even the sugar cookies with the messy frosting and sprinkles that will scatter everywhere...that you will be wiping off the kitchen floor for the next month...They too are part of what you are better off embracing. 

Dear Mommy, do I have to?

 It comes to this. You can find quiet and calm wherever you so choose. It can be found knee deep in the clutter of laundry and dirty dishes. Or it could be in those hours of sleeplessness when you so desperately need sleep. That was my dilemma last night. It was a struggle but I finally fell back to sleep after deciding God allowed me to be awake to pray and go through my thankful list.

Personally, I didn't see how not sleeping would help me teach school today...Which is why God created coffee. Amen.

I was overwhelmed this past weekend with how much I love children. I love their art. I love their mediocre. I love that they don't have to prove anything and that they just plan on you loving them just as they are. I know a few adults that could do better at that. I am one of them. It's funny, but I find quiet in dealing with children. And that is saying a lot after my Monday and Tuesday. I will not lie. I am also quiet from exhaustion.

Quiet is in God's creation...I thrive on these things... Trees, Clouds, and Mountains...THEY are worthy of capitalization and praise. 

Last evening, I found quiet in serving tea and ice cream and brownies to some of my family. It was a lovely way to end a day filled with school for us all and exams for Bruce. We miss having company. It will happen more later in another life maybe.

For now we will take the quiet where we can find it.

Be still and know that I am God...That's the best quiet I have found.

Now go wrap some gifts and make some candy...Go on, you can do this! And then send them to me because I have no idea when I will find the time to do such things. 😇


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