Sitting down to my morning read with a trusty cup of coffee, my Bible opened to 1Peter 2:11-25. The title over this section says: Christian Submission...just like that...simple. Right? And that got me to thinking. Why is that a knee jerk reaction in my spirit when I read those words? The truth is, the word itself is hard. I know nobody who says, "Wow, I really like submission." Most people naturally would like to avoid the discussion and if I was very smart I probably wouldn't try to explain why it it is hard. But stuff happens in life, in our churches, in our homes, even in our country, and I think it is important for us to stop avoiding the pain of submission and look at what the Bible says about it. First of all, submission to each other as Christians is going to be difficult as long as we are concerned with our "rights" as humans. And we just are. Two year old babies already have this sense of justice when a toy is taken from the...