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All in School

Our first day went great!  There is nostalgia of the last year with Josh and Olivia lingering in the halls and classrooms but I think for the most part it went extremely well for how floundered some of us newbies felt.

And I didn't feel like such a newbie so that was helpful.  I was able to pull of bossy, confident, and excited by the grace of God of course, I had not that kinda power in myself.

In the morning before we all left for school, we took family photos of all of us in our respective schools of life.  We have two high schoolers this year; Toria in her first year of high school and Laife in his last.

And Bruce is in his second year of college classes still preparing for a nursing program while working as an ER tech.  I am happy to be teaching the 5th and 6th grades when I look at his studies, all mind boggling to me. 

Our baby, Shaunti, is my student one more year.  I love this opportunity to teach her again before she moves up into the junior high classroom next year.

It was so nice since I was there anyway, I was able to sneak up into the high school room and snap pictures of these two whipper snappers.  Shaunti photo bombed this one.

There she is...

And there he is...
Oh, and this is Shaunti in her desk...

Must be off to work.  God bless your school year whatever kind of school you're in!
