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Life Is Advertisement

After a week of lesson planning, relearning how to deal with the decimal and integers, and generally bossing around nineteen kids, counting my own, I felt I deserved a good catch up on my reading via the Internet.

I also placed a shutter fly order, sent a few emails, and listened to Pandora while planning the next weeks classes. So, when I finally got around to Pioneer Woman and Sew a Fine Seam and all the other blogs I enjoy reading, guess what deters me? The advertisements. No doubt there is some click or a setting on my computer that would take care of some of these distraction, but when would I have time to mess with that?

 One blog title promised a good read on french design and decor.  I have a weakness for farmhouse, french style decor, but when I got in there, a kid was strapped into a car seat pounding his car seat like a monkey, and the freakiest part was the kid was changing ages before my very eyes.  I finally attempted to x out of the screen that refused to budge out of sight, and it wants to know why. Was this ad irrelevant or was it covering the screen? Hhmmm... You think?

I read another lovely blog which kept a pop up screen coming at me, asking me to please subscribe to this blog.  Question, am I not already there?  And if I would be left alone, I might get a chance to actually read what is written.

I leave wondering if this is really a problem or did I just now notice these things? I have never liked advertisements anyway. I'm the kind of person that upon seeing something bragged up and down, I will, more than likely, on purpose, refuse the product. Not that this is a fair reaction, I know this. But the bigger the noise about something, the more skeptical I become.  Am I alone in this?

The most cleverly done advertisement are the ones that provoke a tangible emotion. Like the one I saw on Pandora one day. It had a young couple making strong statements about never getting married, having babies, and other normal things that happen in life, and before they could blink, they had done all those things. SO like life. I really got that one.

I got to thinking about advertising and self promotion, both of which are not one and the same, I know. But sometimes, I think it can run a very close second. And I was convicted.  Really, I was.  I wondered, how much of what I talk about is an advertisement of me, my achievements, my growth, my splendid character?

 I want what I spend time talking and thinking about, to be an advertisement of God and His ways, of what HE is doing in my life, of how He is changing me into HIS likeness. NOW, that would be moving advertisement.

Challenge of the week:  To be an advertisement of Jesus, and to make my words worth others' time.
