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The last two Sundays, the message was about wading out a little deeper into the level God would like to take you spiritually. Both messages were based on Luke 5.  We have been blessed beyond measure both times.  Last Sunday we were blessed because we had just moved to an old house in town the day before, heading into the unknown of what our life will be like now.  This Sunday, we were blessed again because we found out during our first week in town that our beautiful house in the country indeed did not sell.
 Now we feel we are plunged into even deeper water.  The question I battled last week was, "Why do we feel God's goodness so much more when things are going how we think they should?"  God is still good even when things don't work out according to plan I know this, but it is a lot harder to believe.  This is what grows our faith in God; Faith that God provides exactly what is needed at the right time; Faith enough to say thank you to God for what He is doing that I cannot see.

  And what I can see that God is doing is helping us to see His blessings to us in the meantime.  Bruce was gone all day after the church service on a transfer to Kalispel, MT.  We were all gathered in our tiny kitchen after he arrived home and talking about the week with its ups and downs and the message we had heard earlier in the day.  Laife thinks that now we know for sure that God has His hand in our move into town since He now has our attention with the house not selling.  Bruce and I think he said it right.  We were doing what we could see was the right thing but now God has a little different plan in mind.

   Toria  is feeling a few more insecurities.  She feels all mixed up about how she feels. That made me smile because that's pretty normal for her stage of life.  It helped that Bruce pointed to each one of us standing there together in the kitchen and said, "See what we still have, Toria?" She looked at him with a blank expression and said, "What?" and about three of us said in unison, "We have each other!" Then she wore a smile. As for how Shaunti is doing, she is happy as long as she gets the right amount of love and affection and as long as her dog, Snoopy, is by her side. 
Biggest blessing of all, is the peace that God is in control for all our times.


  1. How many times have we had occasion to say the same thing, "We have each other." And really, that is all that matters in the end.

  2. Thinking of you and hoping you had a refreshing weekend and looking forward to another phone call soon!


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