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Showing posts from January, 2013

Cob Webs...

My mind is so full of essentials and nonessentials that I’m having a hard time telling the difference. Maybe I should start with the nonessentials. I think in some expert books they call it “cob webbing”. I believe it is all linked together thus; I shall have to sort it out on paper. Starting place: I just finished reading Take The Risk by Ben Carson. [Learning to Identify, Choose and Live with Acceptable Risk] The smaller title caught my eye the most. I am just not a risk taker and so I wondered; is there any acceptable risk? I found out from reading that I take several risk a day just by getting up in the morning and functioning as any other human adult. Well duh, I did know that but never considered that doing anything such as cleaning, eating, and working very risky. Dr. Ben’s formula for deciding what was a risk worth taking was simple common sense. 1. “What’s the worst thing that can happen if I do this?” 2. “What’s the best thing that can happen if I do this?” 3. “What...

Longing For Sunshine

I'm not complaining... I just want to sit in this chair on my front porch and feel the sunshine on me face... Me face hasn't felt the sun for many weeks. Every winter I have to count my blessings and say thank you for anything that comes to mind so as not to whine and complain. And the reason is, I haven't seen these beautiful creatures for too long and the big hot orb that makes them grow... Oh, thou lovely rose who brings me beauty even in  bleakest winter... Our Creator has good reasons for the four distinct seasons, of this I am sure. I hope, long, and wait impatiently for spring...  I wrote on my chalkboard at home two words, SEEDS/GARDENS.   I went through the seed catalogues yesterday with a black sharpie and circled anything that looked interesting. You should see the seed catalogue now, it all looked interesting.  It's my form of vitamin D.

Learning to Shush

                          Definition of “shush”, an interjection for hush. Hush is too gentle. I like the idea of the interjection. You know how it feels to listen to someone go on and on about some pet subject or simply noise that makes you want to crawl out of your skin? That is when “Shush!” makes sense. Reason for me learning to shush: I go on and on about pet subjects or I simply stay stuck in a rut of my own making of ungratefulness. Learning to shush might actually be a key to growing up and saying thank you for what is or is to come. The idea is a foreign thought these days with face book, blogs, and texting saying exactly what we feel in the heat of the moment. Somehow, it has become more important to say what we think than the concept taught in the Bible about making sure what we say “may be...

Happy New Year

Indeed, it is now 2013.  My baby, 13 yrs ago, reminds me of what year we are on.  Hard to believe we have a teenager in the house starting this Thurs.  How did that happen?  Those sweet little first baby feet are now bigger than mine and not so sweet.  He's still pretty sweet though.  Jan.  New beginnings.  I get to get rid of clutter, piles, stacks, crud, whatever you want to call it.  I also had a big list of goals like getting my Chile pictures put in an album, and starting a new fitness plan.  That was a huge idea that may not play out quite yet.  I was at the urgent care in Sandpoint last night with what appeared to be a blood clot in my leg. After an ultrasound we were relieved to find only an inflamed vessel that requires me taking a baby aspirin a day.  Now my goal of getting and being healthy feels even more urgent.  They are telling me this problem was caused from our flight to and from PR.  "Boogers"...