My mind is so full of essentials and nonessentials that I’m having a hard time telling the difference. Maybe I should start with the nonessentials. I think in some expert books they call it “cob webbing”. I believe it is all linked together thus; I shall have to sort it out on paper. Starting place: I just finished reading Take The Risk by Ben Carson. [Learning to Identify, Choose and Live with Acceptable Risk] The smaller title caught my eye the most. I am just not a risk taker and so I wondered; is there any acceptable risk? I found out from reading that I take several risk a day just by getting up in the morning and functioning as any other human adult. Well duh, I did know that but never considered that doing anything such as cleaning, eating, and working very risky. Dr. Ben’s formula for deciding what was a risk worth taking was simple common sense. 1. “What’s the worst thing that can happen if I do this?” 2. “What’s the best thing that can happen if I do this?” 3. “What...