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End of Summer...

I’m supposed to be packing our suitcases but I woke up with this thing chasing around my
 head and it hasn’t left me all day. It not even a mind blowing thought. I wish I was able to inspire you with my pretty thoughts and words but that doesn’t seem to be one of my talents. So, you get it ugly and short and not very coherent probably…

I woke up around four this morning with my brain buzzing with the cares of the world. Bruce and I have been bumping into discussions all summer and we can’t seem to sit down and actually get them discussed. Things like baptism and head veiling and other church stuff or Biblical living. Call it what works for you. We also have had some upheaval in some of our friends leaving our church for less legalism or a more spiritual atmosphere. Not that I think our church is perfect or anything. I’m there so it’s going to be a little less than perfect. Anyway, I love my church family and have pretty well established in my mind that people find what they are looking for in life. You look for my faults and you will find them. You look for the good in me and you might find some of that too. I think. This lends to confusion and hurt to those of us who stay and try to understand.

So, my morning thought… We need to fix our pattern. I was thinking of my dress pattern how over time it can change because I’m a sloppy scissor gal and carelessly snip off a corner here and a shoulder there and before too long I need to redo my pattern because I got away from the master plan that makes a dress work out. So Bruce and I and our almost discussions; mostly we need God’s wisdom to know how to show our kids the Way the Truth and the Light. We’ve been taught so many good things that our response is almost automatic that we think we know why we do and believe what we do but if we ourselves don’t dig in the Word for our answers and leave it up to our good teaching or church attendance it could very easily turn into a gouged up dress pattern.

Do me a favor and tell me if this makes sense. Bruce asked me what I was thinking about at six this morning and when I told him my pattern thought I got a very blank stare.   

On to other things...

                                                    Chicken watching...   Olivia and Jemima
                         learning from Toria...


  1. You hit the nail on the head, I think. this parallels my thoughts recently, tho I hadn't thought of the pattern example. And it's a good one. Would love to see you again and chat....

  2. Yes, and Amen. I am/have been thinking all these same things. It's not the church's responsibility to be perfect for our children. It is not her fault when they fail, either. I wonder how many times Elv and I have had just this conversation. Commitment is it, always, and getting back to The Pattern.

  3. You make plenty of sense. Maybe just not at 6 in the morning (to your husband)! I get you. Wanna hear more of your thoughts sometime. But you must be packing for your cruise! Goodness, is it already Sept.? Can't wait to hear all about it. I hope you have a STUPENDOUS time!!!!! Love ya!

  4. Yep, no substitute for good old fashioned relationship with Jesus Christ.
    Those little girls sure are cute!


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