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Lessons From a Chicken

Psalm 17:8

Keep me as the apple of Your eye… Hide me under the shadow of Your wing…

Did you ever have a very old verse spring alive in a very new way? Let me tell you about our “mentally unstable” bantam hen. I dubbed her “loco” because out of the blue she decided she was going to sit her eggs even though there were no eggs available to her. Her owners collected them all faithfully every day. It wouldn’t have done her any good had we left her eggs to her business because alas the poor creature never had the honor of Mr. Rooster paying her the necessary attentions to perform such a miracle. Oh, the faith of the little hen. She never wavered but continued to sit in her nest box day after day, minus the eggs. One day the neighbor hearing of her plight; provided four fertilized eggs from his chicken project. Knowing that we needed 21 more days from her; we wondered if she would do it; seeing she had already lain on an empty nest about 14 days prior.

Last night we began to hear peeps coming out of her cage and this morning we found two healthy chicks. After the great discovery, we had our family devotions time and the story this morning was about Psalm 17:8. I had just watched “crazy chicken” tuck her fluffy chick back underneath her wing after she very reluctantly let us view her progress. Now I get it. By hiding under the shadow of the Almighty; He can keep me as the apple of His eye. He’s watching out for me very well through every storm of life. Thanks to God for providing a crazy chicken to teach me an object lesson to live by.
ertilized eggs from his chicken project. Knowing that we needed 21 more days from her; we wondered if she would do it; seeing she had already lain on an empty nest about 14 days prior.
Last night we began to hear peeps coming out of her cage and this morning we found two healthy chicks. After the great discovery, we had our family devotions time and the story this morning was about Psalm 17:8. I had just watched “crazy chicken” tuck her fluffy chick back underneath her wing after she very reluctantly let us view her progress. Now I get it. By hiding under the shadow of the Almighty; He can keep me as the apple of His eye. He’s watching out for me very well through every storm of life. Thanks to God for providing a crazy chicken to teach me an object lesson to live by.


  1. Love the lesson from the loco bock-bock - she's not so crazy after all!

  2. I think I need a crazy chicken too. -Lisl


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