And then on another note... I was just wondering how many other women start projects and rarely get them finished like myself or is this a problem all my own? Currently I have two knitting projects that need finishing... three books that I know would do me good to read... five or so sewing projects cut out but not even started sewing... and scrap booking that is four and five years behind. I'm sure there's much more... Oh yeah, I bought spray paint to paint the girls little wood chairs a year ago and the chairs remain a cherry red instead of the nice calming sage green they could be.
So, there you have it. This is something I would appreciate feedback on. Do any of you finish your projects? How long does it take to tackle them? Is it important to finish? Any tips on getting with it?
My most urgent project that clutters my brain and makes it hard for me to get anything else done is scrapbooking. I had high thoughts on how I was going to always get caught up and always be on top of it. But now I've kind of given up. I'm about out of scrapbooking material and so I think I will have to just go online and put them in books and order photo books.... and I won't be doing it nice like creative memories would help me do. The point now is to just get the story in the book for the kids someday. I still will catch up on their baby books and year to year pictures though. Other projects are just general organizing and paint chairs and shelves and cleaning. Those projects are slowly getting done by my method of one little thing per day. So I do all my regular day stuff every day and then I spend a little bit of time doing one thing that is cluttering my head. Yesterday it was painting something into a chalkboard, and painting a little shadow box for the boys' miniature tractors. Today, I have to finish painting the basement bathroom....dread and deep sighs. I don't know if I'll ever catch up....
ReplyDeleteI had other comments by email about this. I find that most people have unfinished stuff the same as I do. My friend, Carol, encouraged me to think about what was truly important... Good reminder. Maybe some projects would be better off donated to the Goodwill.
ReplyDeleteI like Carol's ideas. When you take unfinished projects to Goodwill or to the dumpster, you are not throwing away your creativity, but giving yourself space to be freshly creative.