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Family times and the making of a 3d snowflake

Laife is learning to play the guitar.  Over New Years, in Oregon, Bruce bought Laife, Gerardo's electric guitar.  The house has been filled with music.  I love it!

Also, Laife is twelve.  He has reminded me a couple times since his birthday that next year he'll be a teenager...

He is also into playing chess.  He received this glass chess game for his birthday.

As anyone who visits knows; this is what we do best in the evenings in winter.

And here is the beautiful snowflake that my cousin Michelle taught me how to make while we were in Oregon.  If you want to see the directions, look it up on You Tube.  Super easy and fun to make.
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  1. Good to hear from your neck of the woods Shilah! miss those kids! :-)

  2. For real! You are the mother of an almost teenager. !!!!! Good for Laife for learning guitar, he and you can jam out together. :-) Your living room is so cozy looking. I would love to come and sit before that fire with you!

  3. Lovely post. Well, I can make puppies and you can make snowflakes. I'd rather have the snowflake please! Give Laife a happy birthday pinch from us!

  4. I would love to come sip some tea by your fire with you sometime :) I should make some of those snowflakes just to remind myself that it is winter.

  5. Uh, when did you post? Lovely home, you have, Shilah.

  6. Hey, I discovered these wonderful snowflakes this year too. One of the ladies at work showed a couple of us during break. Loved it. I love your posts. Sometime I'd like to talk a long time about your writing thoughts and read some of your stuff.


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