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Showing posts from April, 2011

What's On Your Fridge?

   I remember when I cleaned other peoples houses before I was married; I wondered what kind of person would hang tacky art on their fridge.  That was before I had sweets of my own.  So glad God helps us grow up a bit...  On my fridge this week...  A picture of the kid we sponser.  An art project Shaunti did in school that say about "when God got up from the dead"   and a project miss Jody did with her students.  The hot pink paper says all kinds of nice things the class wrote about her.  They all did one for each other.    So... What's on your fridge?

The Glasses...

Gghhhrrr!  I'm getting mad at my blogging abilities...  anyhow here is Toria in her new specs.

Of Glasses, Irons, and Other Stuff...

So, Toria has glasses "which she needed very badly" the eye doctor informed me. She is seeing things she's never noticed before. I found this old iron in perfect condition at a thrift store. My modern expensive one gave out in the middle of making curtains so I went to the thrift store and found this beauty which earlier in my life I would have turned my nose up at; but now that I'm more mature and all, it was a taker and a keeper. It works like a charm. For the first time in my life I actually enjoy ironing. Sorta. And the other photos are just shots around my house. Still trying to find the right place for groupings. Takes me awhile to figure out what goes where. things are going to evolve awhile in that department. Later...

Try This...

Sorry about the mess up... Here's the words that were to go with the pictures...

Here's the pictures that will not be seen.  I finally get time to blog and then my computer wants to update picasa and other stuff.  I think the updates gobbled up the pictures.  Anyhow, this is my very black kitchen with the copper counter tops.  I've found that black is like white.  It shows dirt.  So I have to clean and clean and clean.  I like it though.  I finally have a dishwasher running.  Still no faucet in my sink.  Lots done in the house.... Lots not done...  we are starting to feel like we are overcoming. Shaunti's reminder to me the other day during the thick of things. "Hey Mom, did you know the Lord is your Shepherd?"  Thank God for children.