So, just to let everyone know what's been going on with us, We are moved into Ted and Kendra Bylers house as they are currently in Chile. It has turned out to be the perfect arrangement with our fall company and busy building schedule. The house is happening as fast as possible because we want to move in by spring. Bruce had a whole week off work to get the walls up and then on Friday night Norvan, Danny, and Jay helped put the trusses up. I know we owe them bigtime. We feel very thankful for family and friends. I feel just plain sheepish about getting any help with this project because we have done this so often and its getting old for everyone; at least that's the impression I get. But I am glad to help my friends and family in need so I guess I should lay down my pride and be just plain grateful. So... BIG thankyou to all... I am sitting in the parking lot of the Bread Basket doing this. My in-laws are at home doing ...