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Our World and its Noisemakers

There seems to be a lot to disagree on and be passionate about these days, even in the same household. You can no longer be neutral or quiet about what you believe about politics, God, or medicine. I’m sure there are more platforms in which we can find a debate or argument, but I pick these three because they are the ones that I face in my world.

A thing that hasn’t changed, is that the one with the loudest voice and the most words wins. Or at least on the surface, this person feels he won because he was heard. The rest of us who are thinking and trying to form a thought, heard more noise than reason though, and how we felt was that we were bullied into listening to a debate we did not support or hold as truth. And that we never got a word in edgewise.

So here is my word edgewise. I believe, we as believers of our Lord Jesus, need to hold above all medical reports, news debates, conspiracy theories and truths about God, to the Word of God. If what we think we are agreeing with does not line up with the message of Hope to a fallen world, we should acknowledge this as the voice of human reasoning and know it is not the voice of God. If you are so strong in your thinking and beliefs that you no longer feel the need to check yourself with the Holy Spirit wisdom, that is a sure way to fall away from the truth God Word provides.

Any voice that uses sarcasm, debate, and dramatic flair to prove a point is not following God’s ways of kindness, forbearance, righteousness, or humbleness. Any voice that promotes and pushes human thoughts, reasonings, and agenda’s above what God Word is clear about is losing in the eternal kingdom of God. God’s righteousness needs to overrule all personal thoughts or feelings. What God thinks and what He calls righteousness is all found in the Word of God. If you spend more time keeping up to date with the daily news reports and YouTube debaters, I’m going to guess you’re not spending near enough time in God’s Words learning what He thinks about all these riotous thoughts and opinions. You can read all of the up to the minute medical reports about many upheavals we have experienced over the last couple of years due to a certain word I won’t even write because of what my computer crawler sees or hears, but it doesn’t take away from the fact of the authority of God over all. Again, also, God’s Word is smack full of cures for our fears and worries and the medicine to counteract them with dosages of praise to Almighty God and trusting the One who Heals all our diseases, both the heart ones and the soul ones.

If you are one of the loud ones, pushing and shoving, making sure you are being heard above the swarms of other people doing the same, let me help you see the hopelessness of such a cause. If you want to make a difference, be a calm, quiet voice that speaks God’s truth and proclaim what God calls righteous. Of course, you won’t actually be able to do that without spending more energy on reading what He calls righteous. But I think if you have spent time studying your college courses and reading all the tomes you have read, that reading the Bible is not that difficult a task. In the end, God’s Word stands forever. Man and his knowledge dies. Man in company with Holy God will live eternally. No kind of famine or earthquake, diseases or mental illness can separate us from that fact.

Another thing I am noticing about the greatest debaters and people of vast knowledge…they don’t have very good resting/trusting skills. Their minds are too busy trying to set the world straight and trying to orchestrate people into doing what they think is righteous. When all along God already figured it out. Nothing you think or say or feel, changes what God already knows and has figured out for all of eternity. You are not helping God with your thoughts and skill and knowledge if you are not learning what He calls right thinking first. If you would first do that, your words and thoughts and actions might actually penetrate the hearts of man and then a difference would be made.

As for those of us who can’t say it correctly, out loud, or on the spot… for those of us whose vocabulary freezes and folds when in argument or debate…We are thinking. Sometimes we wait and pray. Sometimes we pray and wait. And then sometimes we sit and write because at least we have this outlet. And even in this it should be checked with where in the world did we get these ideas and are they God’s righteousness being promoted? 

Verses I’ve found that help me when I’m unsettled by all the noise and opinions of humans:

Psalm 98

Psalm 96

Isaiah 40

Book of Galatians

Eph 3 and 4 

1 Cor 13

Of course to know what these chapters say, you will actually have to read them. And for putting them into practice and applying them in light of our world today; will rely solely upon you and your willingness to support and promote this over and above your daily news reports or favorite YouTubers. That's what I think.


  1. Good, good thoughts! I'm one of those who can't say it "correctly, out loud or on the spot." Thank you for sharing!

  2. I was going to put my name on the above comment and forgot. :)

  3. You nailed it. I see myself on both sides. When in the presence of a debater outside my family, I can identify with all that you have written. When in the presence of a rebellious teenage son, to my shame, I hear myself being loud and pushy, the one thinking I have won because I talked the most... May God help us live in peace, no matter which side we find ourselves!


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