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I Need Help

It has been brutally cold.
It's also been magically pretty. 
In other news...

January makes me want to rid my walls of pretties, throw out doodads, organize the silverware drawer, do workout videos, eat salads arrayed in vegetables of names I can't pronounce, and clean behind my stove and fridge.

And that is pretty much where it ends. I didn't say I did those things; I just want to do them. For about five minutes I want to and then thankfully someone needs me to find a lost sock or help with homework.

I did give in to the urge and put away part of the Christmas decor. Half way through however, I decided it was convenient that my Elk and Deer and Trees are really just winter kinda stuff and they could stay and dwell for the duration. And all that white is definitely Winter huh?

I do want to inspire you with the thought that came to me when I went back to the classroom this year. 

I knew there was going to be a few changes needing to take place. Pronto. In the Christmas rush of programs and parties and final exams; a few things of importance had been let go in my classroom. Honestly, I was uncertain how to implement these changes, quaking in my boots actually. 

There is nothing like a good vacation to bring clarity to a problem at the work place. On the long drive home from Baja, I had time to pin point the what and how and why these problems had arisen.
I'm pretty sure it was the wisdom of God speaking to me. 

Me all by myself is pathetic.
Me asking God is powerful!

So that's what happened... I squeaked out to God those three little words..."I need help" and guess what? 

I got it. It wasn't a big bang or one particular pizzazz moment. 
It was just There. 
Quiet and True and Clear...
It was Simple and Uncomplicated.

Here are the rules...I gave them in Peace...
Here is what happens if you don't follow the rules...I said this with Love...

But first tell Jesus...
"I Need Help"...
