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Balance: defined as an instrument of weighing things to finding the balance of your checkbook.  That was the first and last definition.  The ones in-be-tween are what I'm looking at...
  Def #6-  steadiness of character.
  Def #7-make up for the effect or influence of, to counteract...

Most interesting.  I've been thinking about balance and how easily it is to slide into one ditch or another.  I think about it a lot, trying to eat a gluten free diet.  I've eaten so many words about that whole thing.  I took an allergy test a year and a half ago.  It claimed I have high allergies in all things wheat.  I paid a lot of money to find this out.  I very grudgingly started this path because I was tired of feeling achy and sore in all of my body.  I hate it.  I still make fun of it.  It has also helped so much, that now when I get sore, I wonder what I ate.  But it still seems like a bunch hype to me.  It's messed with my nutritional balance about what foods I can eat and not gain weight.  I've always been chunky.  A gf diet hasn't helped, if anything, I've gained.  If I want to feel good, I should only eat veggies and a little protein and a little fruit.  This must be my balance.

So, in order to maintain a sense of balance for my family, who do not seem to have any allergies,  I now and then, rebel and spend a Saturday making donuts with the kids.  I even ate one when we finished.
                               Warning: there may be hair on your donuts. notice the child shoving it out of the way...

 They were good.  We found out we are balanced enough; that one Saturday per year is all we need for  donuts...

Balance in all aspects is good.  I've also been thinking about it in areas like, how much time I spend looking at ideas for decorating, how much I read and write, or what I read and write.  I am amazed at the balance I find in reading scripture...  Whenever I get a little sideways about something, it could be an indication of a need for balance from my Creator.  His thoughts instead of my thoughts.  His inspirations for my inspirations.   Sometimes I need more balance in my "busy".  Where is the, "Be still and know that I am God" balance?  I  think it should be a consideration the busier I think I am.  
This isn't balanced in a professional photographers point of view.  For me, it's just right.  I love the shadows, the flaws and imperfections.  I love real. Real is my balance.  That, and scripture...The Word of God...


  1. When did your little girls grow up? Toria esp. is quite the young lady, wow! Good for you, for having donut day and then only eating ONE?! And I love your jar ring pumpkins. I wish I had such easy talent in décor as you, but then I will *balance* that thought with the fact that I think I am probably gifted in some other area.....:) Thanks for your thoughts to chew!

    1. I imagine I would say the same if I saw your girls. It has been too long since we have seen each others family. I think about you and your stages of life right now tho. Friends like you, help keep me balanced. :) at least I hope so. Come visit soon!

  2. You heard me say this before. But the main lesson I learned through having to eat GF was to be kind about folks who have allergies and what they do about them. I used to think it was a bunch of fad-ness and hypochondria. I know better now and I believe that I can take the lesson of being kind to other areas of life, as well. Live and learn. One more important lesson: GF food has calories, too. :)

    1. No kidding! I have found that rice and corn products may be gluten free but so much more dense/caloric. A little bit goes a long way. I'm still learning the kindness thing. I mostly want to "forget the whole deal, Booker," as mom would say, but I pay for it every time.

  3. I'm home today with no visitors and I'm not scrubbing anything. So I'm going to call and talk. I've been watching a few friends close at hand working on their health and they have been kind and also quiet. I think when we face things that make us feel unhealthy and weight problems are in there too the best way to go at it is by yourself and God and find a product that works. I hope you find answers....I'm still searching. Plexus user too!

    1. I thank you for the phone call, Amy and your encouragement to do what needs to be done and to stop waffling like I do so much of the time with the whole food thing. I've asked God countless times, please don't let me become forty and still be fat. I feel like Paul in the Bible. "My grace is sufficient," But I don't get there very gracefully. Whhhaaaa!

  4. Enjoyed your post and the comments!! :-) Hope you can find the balance that you need...I'm still searching too!! Sorry bout the weight gain problem, I know it don't look like I care, but this has been a major sore spot in my life as well!! I always hid behind the excuse that as long as I was having seemed like I didn't have a chance!! But I really shouldn't have, cause by now at times it seems hopeless!! But I am happy to say that lately it seems maybe the scales are slowly but surely heading in the right direction!!! :-) And when I clicked on 'comment' that wasn't what I was going to say!! :-) I like your pumpkins too...Cheryl, Garys wife did this too, only she painted hers orange!! They are nice both ways. :-)

    1. Thanks Dena, I know what you're saying... also the pumpkins were so simple. People are into gilding everything these days; I think they would look great a glossy gold or silver too.

  5. Shilah thanks so much for your blunt honesty about life! I sure do enjoy reading your posts and struggle with how to live a balanced life as well. I'm thankful God gives us grace for each day! Love what you've written about marriage too... we've been married 5 years and i feel i'm just beginning to understand my husband and men in general :) So true that we must go to GOD first with our concerns and then to our husband if we think we have 'advice' for them! :)

    1. Hey Janelle, you found me. :) I think you are farther along than I was at five years. My big moment of finally feeling like, "I get this," didn't happen for a very long time. Marriage has been my biggest challenge and blessing all rolled into one.


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