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Mid Summers Dream...

   Not. I just used that title to catch your attention.  Summer is definitely getting away from me.  I keep trying to stay caught up; but by the time I get the 38 qu. of peas put away the green beans start in earnest.  I am liking the gardening thing better this year than ever before.  I don't know why other than my baby is seven in a week and the kids are helping with the harvesting and weeding so much.  In between the garden is the run into the mountains for the huckleberries and the camping trips.
   This summer has been good. Bruce has joined the local search and rescue team as well as the North Bench Fire Department.  With his regular job of P.O. and the hobby farm we have on our one acre property; He is a busy happy man.  I have to be OK with seeing less of him and there has been that adjustment but for the most part it has all been a good thing.
   We have had a sad week here in our community.  A young girl died from drowning.  Something like this make everything change in a heartbeat.  Life is precious.  It makes you put your priorities in order at least for a little while and makes you think about what you value and why.  What REALLY is important? 


  1. remember what you were doing a year ago? I keep remembering. It helps me as I see you've come out of that season and this season looks better and so I will get out of this season of building and unproductiveness and get on to a better one soon! I know because I've been watching you. :)

  2. I am glad you are loving summer. I can't wait to get to the point where I really and truly enjoy summers. Yes, it is partly my fault because of my attitude about our schedule and way of life in summertime....blech.
    Who died, someone from your church? So sad.
    Love you, Jenn


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