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K.  Here's my pretty....  Yesterday  I needed pretty so I came in here to blog about it and afterward it disappeared...  My point was that seeing "pretty" makes me think of the good in life and to thank God for all of it...  Not only the roses but also the bugs on the roses.  Just being thankful for what is...  Because God is...
To take a moment and breathe deeply of the goodness of God and all the blessings in your life right now even if there are a few icky things to deal with today...
To thank God for the family He's given you and and all the little treasures He's added in the past ten years.  To remember what it is I love and treasure about my marriage.   To worship God for all His goodness to undeserving me...Posted by Picasa


  1. this is the 3rd time today someone spoke of treasuring the little ones and treasuring the time with them.
    thanks for the reminder!
    i love your blog-- it so comforting and peaceful. :)

  2. Thanks for the kind words... I'm trying to figure out if this is my niece Jenny or another Jenny. Neice Jenny loves me I know- because I am her Aunt- but she never talks to me. :]

  3. I love your thoughts on thankfulness. Did you know if you have room in your heart for true gratefulness, you are not bitter. You can't be grateful and bitter at the same time. Just heard that lately.


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