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Showing posts from July, 2021


I'm like a small child whose toy was taken away. A toy I was enjoying and no one else should ever have needed or wanted. It was mine. I was appreciative. I wasn't even taking this toy/gift/blessing for granted. I had a good attitude of sharing. I held open hands to God. I was playing well, getting along with others. What happened? Where did I go wrong? These are the questions we ask God when he takes something from us. We don't get to "blessed be the name of the Lord" right away. If we are real about it we are sometimes gobsmacked and heartbroken with the taking. Broken and homeless, shattered and lonely...we hobble to a bench in the park. The same lovely, shaded, and green wooded trail that was filled with peace and serenity, grace and victory becomes a place of golden memories and emptiness. It is too glaringly still beautiful. The sky stays blue and cloudless, the flower pots keep blooming vibrant colors, but the sights fill you with dread and anger. How dare t...