Truth: I came close to giving up. It was too hard. There was a big ball of tangled yarn that could not be unraveled. Nothing made sense. Hope for help and encouragement was being smothered like a candle with no oxygen. Then I understood. You can't give up. Only when I view this "hard" as a gift from God; my individual task...only then is when enough air enters this space in my heart to flicker hope into it. We give up when we listen to the lies of this world. More and more believers are living unbelieving. We live blaming others for our discouragement. We see hypocrisy in those closest to us and feel justified in our reactions and thought patterns and unforgiveness. We go through gut wrenching pain from family members because of wounds they refuse to get healing for and in turn we continue the chain of blame and shame. The pain becomes the idol, the reason we hurt. We wallow in self pity or self righteousness while our hope for redemption flickers out. When things don...